Our visit to the MOMA
museum we had to study and observe the way the was being presented in the
Contemporary Galleries from 1980-till now and the Cindy Sherman art. To me
identity in art can be translated to how a person express the message they are
trying to give through a specific painting.
The first work of art
I found very interesting was Painted By: Marlene Dumas South African, born
1953, paintings name is Wall Walling. The painting basically consist of
African American people probably a little village getting harassed by soldiers.
I believe that this painting is a Identity of culture and how different it is
outside of the U.S and how people tend to suffer and have to learn to fear the
Soldiers for there life’s or else they will get killed. In the imagine you see that the people are
being held up against the wall and are being inspected by the soldiers meaning
maybe the Soldiers are looking for valuables or something.
The Second painting
is painted by: Ryoko Aoki a Japanese artist born 1973, the painting is called From
the tip to the head. The painting easy to get that he had like a personal
message in the painting itself that he probably feels as if his on top of the
mountains or his the head of the mountains which to me means he was feeling
free and head of that mountain which in the painting itself shows the freedom
with the birds flying around, the wild, and just being out in nature.
The third painting is
by: Doris Salcedo Colombian, born 1958. The painting is called Atrabiliarios,
which consist of some high heels stuck in a plywood wall with animal
fiberglass. I believe this is a very interesting art piece because it took me a
long time to actually make sense of it, but which I still don’t get a since of
the piece but I can say that maybe this shoes were something special to her
which she decided at the end to make art out of it to show her special
In conclusion all
this arts have their own meanings but people can interrupt them in a different
way and get a better image of it in your own mind. This three arts where part
of the contemporary galleries from 1980 till now.